FOI request (FOIR-146387792)
Invoice Payment
Requested Fri 27 September 2019
Responded Mon 18 November 2019I would like to request to invoice payment information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I am seeking data for every invoice paid to trade suppliers between April 1 2015 - March 31 2019 that took longer than 30 days to pay.
Specifically, invoices where the payment date is greater than 30 days from the invoice date. Excluding any payments not supported by an invoice, i.e. those made to individuals or that are paid to businesses that have not submitted an invoice (e.g. residential care payments or business rate refunds).
Mandatory Data Requirement:
Supplier name
Invoice date (date on invoice)
Date invoice was paid
Invoice gross value
Optional Data Requirement (to be provided if available):
Invoice net value
Invoice VAT value
Please provide the information in electronic form - CSV, XLS or TXT with the columns clearly titled (in any sequence).
Please do not send a link /URL to your transparency data website for spend above £500 or your payment performance (under Public Contracts Regulations 2015). I am aware that councils are required to publish this information however I am seeking the individual supplier transaction payment performance detail behind this.
Please see attached list.
Please note that this list is inconclusive, the attached list is when the invoice was received by our finance team, some invoices have been delayed either by post or by the supplier themselves.
Freedom of Information
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