FOI request (FOIR-145909061)
Supported Accommodation - Housing Benefit
Requested Wed 25 September 2019
Responded Fri 11 October 20191. How many Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation cases are currently receiving Housing Benefit?
2. How many Specified General Supported Accommodation cases are currently receiving Housing Benefit?
3. How many Specified Domestic Violence Hostel cases are currently receiving Housing Benefit?
4. How many Specified Local Authority Hostel cases are currently receiving Housing Benefit?
5. What is the highest eligible gross rent being paid for a Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation case by Housing Benefits?
6. What is the lowest eligible gross rent being paid for a Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation case by Housing Benefits?
7. What is the lowest core rent being paid for a Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation case by Housing Benefits?
8. What is the highest core rent being paid for a Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation case by Housing Benefits?
9. How many Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation cases are currently receiving Housing Benefit for the following eligible rent ranges: £150.00 per week eligible gross - £250.00 per week eligible?
£251.00 per week eligible gross - £300.00 per week eligible gross?
£301.00 per week eligible gross - £400.00 per week eligible gross?
Greater than £400.00 per week eligible gross?
10. How many Specified General or Exempt Supported Accommodation cases have been referred to the Rent Officer service (VOA)?
11. How many Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation cases are being paid where the Local Authority is only receiving 60% subsidy?
12. How many Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation claims have received an 'unreasonably high' rent decision? -
1. 218 as at 03/10/2019
2. 7 as at 03/10/2019
3. 10 as at 03/10/2019
4. None in LA
5. £309.95 per week
6. £107.94 per week
7. We do not hold this information. There is no requirement to hold this data – Core rents only required where we are querying the Rent provided by LL
8. We do not hold this information. There is no requirement to hold this data - Core rents only required where we are querying the Rent provided by LL
9. 0
10. 24
11. 3
12. 0
Freedom of Information
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