FOI request (FOIR-144204440)
Visitor Management Records
Requested Tue 17 September 2019
Responded Wed 27 November 2019Do you currently record details of visitors attending your council offices?
If so…
What details do you record? E.g. name, company name, who they’re visiting, etc.
Do you do this electronically or on paper?
How long are the details kept?
Is your method of visitor recording GDPR compliant?
How much per annum does the visitor recording method you use cost the council?
Do you currently record details of staff attending your council offices?
If so…
What details do you record? E.g. name, employee number, job title, etc.
Do you do this electronically or on paper?
How long are the details kept?
Is your method of visitor recording GDPR compliant?
How much per annum does the staff recording method you use cost the council?
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Community Contact Centre - Hastings Borough Council does not record visitors.
Tourist Information Centre - Hastings Borough Council does not record visitors however we do have a booking system that shows the name and company of the visitor and is linked to the booking that shows the host of the meeting.
Records go back 3 years.
GDPR compliant - Yes
Cost per annum - Information not held
Museum - visitors are counted entering the building using an electronic clicker. (Electronic)
Post Codes: visitors can leave their post codes on a flip chart (Paper)
Evaluation Forms: visitors can complete a general visitor evaluation. This asks qualitative questions about their visit and for demographic information: gender; age group; ethnicity; if they are limited by health/disability issues and country/postcode (Paper)
Visitor Comments: visitors can leave comments on the current exhibition. (Paper)
GDPR compliant - Yes (the visitor information we collect cannot be used to identify individuals)
Cost per annum - Information not held
Museum - All staff and contractors sign in and out of the building (paper).
Muriel Matters House (main building for Hastings Borough Council
All staff have security fobs to access the building, this captures name, job title, department and time.
Electronic – Yes
GDPR compliant – Yes
Details are kept indefinitely
Cost per annum – £2133.08 – this figure is for the whole council where fob access is used
Freedom of Information
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