FOI request (FOIR-143076713)
Rocklands boundaries and land ownership - GIS data sources
Requested Wed 11 September 2019
Responded Thu 17 October 2019It has been stated to the planning committee that the proposed patio area is not on HBC owned land. A plan was briefly displayed to the committee - this plan is not available online. Objectors have provided clear evidence that part of the patio is on HBC owned land.
Rocklands and HBC have previously acknowledged that a strip of land on the east hill side of the new building is on HBC owned land.
Can you please provide the following information to support the assertion that the patio area is not on HBC owned land:
1. All correspondence between HBC officers concerning land ownership and the Rocklands/HBC boundary.
2. The data sources used by HBC to determine the position of the boundary
3. The underlying source data that was used by HBC to map the boundary.
4. Any supporting plans/maps that show the boundary and their associated source data.
1. Please see attached2.Ordnance Survey Base MappingLand Registry Title PlansLand Registry Inspire IndexSite block plan from applicationLand Terrier3.Ordnance Survey Base Mapping - This request is being refused under Section21 of the Freedom of Information Act 'Information accessible by other means: https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/Land Registry Title Plans - This request is being refused under Section21 of the Freedom of Information Act 'Information accessible by other means'. https://www.gov.uk/search-property-information-land-registryLand Registry Inspire Index - This is available online from the Land Registry https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/hastings-inspire-index-polygon-dataSite block plan from application - This is available online through our public access website http://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=_HSTBC_DCAPR_116188Land Terrier - This is an indicative GIS layer of Hastings Borough Council ownership only. The land registry title plan would always take precedence4. Please see attachedPlease note the attached file named Land Terrier zip can only be accessed if you have GIS data.Attachments
- FOIR-143076713_FOIR-143076713_1-FOI143076713_Redacted.pdf
- FOIR-143076713_FOIR-143076713_2-HBC_Land_Terrier.zip
- FOIR-143076713_FOIR-143076713_1-FOI143076713_Redacted.pdf
- FOIR-143076713_FOIR-143076713_2-HBC_Land_Terrier.zip
- FOIR-143076713_FOIR-143076713_1-FOI143076713_Redacted.pdf
- FOIR-143076713_FOIR-143076713_2-HBC_Land_Terrier.zip
- FOIR-143076713_FOIR-143076713_1-FOI143076713_Redacted.pdf
- FOIR-143076713_FOIR-143076713_2-HBC_Land_Terrier.zip
Freedom of Information
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