FOI request (FOIR-143074594)
Rocklands tree application HS/TP/18/769 post FOI-95945450
Requested Wed 11 September 2019
Responded Fri 04 October 2019A previous FOI request FOI-95945450 submitted on the 15/11/2018 requested1. copies of the site visit notes made for all officer visits to the Rocklands site concerning application HS/TP/18/769. This includes any site visits made by the Tree Officer and Planning officers.
2. all correspondence between HBC officers and other HBC officers concerning this application. This includes emails and other documents.
3. all correspondence between HBC officers and third parties concerning this application. This includes emails and other documents.
This request was answered on the 21/07/2019. The application remained open for several more weeks after this date. I am aware that HBC officers visited the site after this date and assume that there must be site visit notes and correspondence after this date.
I therefore request the following information that has not already been supplied by FOI-95945450 as the information was not available when FOI-95945450 was answered.
1. copies of the site visit notes made for all officer visits to the Rocklands site concerning application HS/TP/18/769. This includes any site visits made by the Tree Officer and Planning officers.
2. all correspondence between HBC officers and other HBC officers concerning this application. This includes emails and other documents.
3. all correspondence between HBC officers and third parties concerning this application. This includes emails and other documents.
Application HS/TP/18/00769 was determined on 26 July 2019 and the planning officers report and decision notice is available online through public access: http://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/
Hastings Borough Council holds no correspondence in the 5 days between the last request and the date given in the request of 21 July 2019 .
No site visit notes were taken by either planning or tree officers.
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