FOI request (FOIR-141979271)
Action Area Plan for Hastings Town Centre and Bohemia
Requested Fri 06 September 2019
Responded Tue 24 September 2019I note from the Planning Policy Website that the proposed Action Area Plan for Hastings Town Centre and Bohemia has been rolled into the proposed Local Plan Review. I also note the assertion that the comments received will be of help in shaping the policies and proposals. See quote below from the website. For that to be the case the comments received would evidently need to be available in good time to all those participating in the exercise - including external consultees and not just internal to the planning department. Although several months have elapsed the comments received are not yet available on the website. I am therefore making a Freedom of Information request for copies of the comments which have been received. Rather than (say) laboriously and expensively photocopying I am very happy if the comments are made generally available electronically on the planning website, logically as an addition to the evidence base documents. Since they were mainly submitted electronically I imagine this shouldn't prove too difficult. I note in reference to our conversation some time ago that submissions were made at the time on the basis that this was a public consultation and the sender's name might be made public. I hope therefore that any work on redaction of signatures addresses etc need be minimal if at all.
"Since the adoption of part 2 of the Local Plan, the Development Management Plan (DMP), the Council has been developing what was to be a third and final part of the Local Plan, an Area Action Plan for Hastings Town Centre and Bohemia. However, because it is imperative that the local plan review process is completed in as short a time as possible, we have decided the Area Action Plan will be combined with the Local Plan Review, and a single development plan document produced.
A good deal of work and public involvement in shaping the vision, objectives and content of the Hastings Town Centre and Bohemia Area Action Plan has been undertaken already. A first draft of the Action Plan underwent a 12 week public consultation in autumn 2018. The comments received from that consultation will be of help in shaping the policies and proposals which will now be incorporated into a new Local Plan document."
The Council fully intend to publish all of the comments received on the draft public consultation version of the Town Centre & Bohemia Area Action Plan.
All of the comments received are being compiled and loaded in to the Planning Policy team's local plan consultation software where they will be viewable on line. Concurrently a consultation report is being produced as part of the development of a new revised Local Plan.
This report will summarise the scope and nature of all of the comments received in terms of the 27 questions included in the consultation draft Action Plan and indicate how this comments will be taken in to account in the future Plan.
This stage in the process should be completed by the end of November 2019 when everyone who has taken part in the consultation together the wider public will be notified of the availability of the comments received, the publication of the consultation report and next stages in the development of a revised Local Plan.
Therefore under section 22 of Freedom of Information Act as the information being sought is at present being complied and is intended for future publication, the Council will supply this information being sought here by the end of November 2019.
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