FOI request (FOIR-138547882)
Council expenditure on biscuits
Requested Tue 20 August 2019
Responded Wed 04 September 2019My FOI request concerns council expenditure on refreshments between 1st January 2018 and 31st December 2018.
Please can you tell me how much was spent on tea and biscuits at council committee meetings over the course of the year?
What type of biscuits and brand of tea were supplied?
If the information is held centrally and will not exceed cost requirements, could you please provide me with the equivalent figures for departmental meetings too?
Q1 Biscuits are only provided at Annual Council at a cost of approx. £6 per year. Tea is provided for committee meetings and this averages at approx. £20 per year.
Q2 - Biscuits are whatever are on offer in local supermarket and Tea is Fairtrade
Q3 - The council do not provide biscuits for departmental meetings.
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