FOI request (FOIR-136823030)
Planning Committee Speaking Times
Requested Mon 12 August 2019
Responded Wed 21 August 20191. Can you confirm how long, in minutes, a community group such as a Civic Society is permitted to speak at your local council’s Planning Committee? (By ‘Planning Committee’ we mean your local authority’s committee of elected members which determines planning applications. It may be known by a different name in your local authority).
2. Is there a limit on the number of registered speakers permitted to speak at your Planning Committee? If yes, please specify the maximum number of speakers allowed.
3. Is there a limit on the total time allowed for registered speakers? If yes, please provide details of the time restriction.
4. Are your Planning Committee procedure rules publicly available online? If yes, please provide the weblink.
All the information about planning committee and public speaking is held here publically on our website; https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/mgCommitteeDetails.aspx?ID=129
Freedom of Information
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