FOI request (FOIR-134435403)
Tree Preservation Orders
Requested Wed 31 July 2019
Responded Wed 21 August 2019I'm writing under Freedom of Information legislation to request a complete up-to-date dataset of Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) in force within the boundaries of your local authority area, which includes locational data and associated metadata.
Please release this information in one of the following file formats in order of preference:
1. KML file;
2. Shapefile;
3. CSV or Excel file.
We've checked data.gov.uk and an up-to-date, downloadable version of your TPO dataset does not appear to be available in these formats.
If this information is available publicly via another means (such as via your council website), please send us a link to where this dataset can be downloaded, in one of the file formats requested.
In keeping with the Open Knowledge Foundation's definition of open data we're seeking raw, reusable data - rather than a link to online portals through which the data can be viewed - so we'd rather not receive it in the following formats unless it's otherwise unavailable:
a. WMS;
b. WFS;
c. XML file format.
The data is available to view on data.gov.uk.
We have updated data.gov.uk so that it has the most up to date TPO GIS data.
It can be located at https://data.gov.uk/dataset/52e3e846-e139-4b6d-8f79-5c6f1fc8015a/tree-preservation-orders
Freedom of Information
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