FOI request (FOIR-134117074)
Requested Tue 30 July 2019
Responded Wed 07 August 20191. The percentage of wastage recycled by your council (i.e. recycling rate), broken down by year for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
2. Do you do enforce any of the following to encourage correct recycling or penalise incorrect recycling in your local authority area:
a. Issue fines to households
b. Issue warnings to households
c. Employ officers to monitor recycling bins
d. Refuse to collect waste that is incorrectly recycled or contaminated
3. If your council does issue fines to households, please can you provide the number of fines issued, broken down by year for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
4. If your council does issue fines to households, please can you provide the amount of money collected in fines issued, broken down by year for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
If limited by time, please prioritise in order of Q1, Q2, Q3 etc.
Q1 -
2016 - average of 4 quarters 30.7%
2017 - average of 4 quarters 31.0%
2018 - average of 4 quarters 30.8%
2019 - average of year so far 31.2%
Q2 a-d - No, we do not enforce for recycling
Q3 - N/A
Q4 - N/A
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