FOI request (FOIR-131990877)
Court summons over unpaid council tax
Requested Fri 19 July 2019
Responded Thu 15 August 20191) How many court summons and liability orders have been issued by your council for unpaid council tax in the year
a) 2016
b) 2017
c) 2018
d) 2019 (so far)?
If your council is covering several councils/districts, please answer for all of them.
2) How many of these were successful in
a) 2016
b) 2017
c) 2018
d) 2019?
3) How many summons and liability orders were issued for late council tax payments of
a) under £50
aa) in 2016
bb) in 2017
cc) in 2018
dd) in 2019
b) under £30
aa) in 2016
bb) in 2017
cc) in 2018
dd) in 2019?
c) under £10
aa) in 2016
bb) in 2017
cc) in 2018
dd) in 2019?
4) What was the overall cost in £ to your council for all unsuccessful summons and liability orders made in
a) 2016
b) 2017
c) 2018
d) 2019 (so far)?
Note, do not include working hours/resources etc in these costs, by costs I refer solely to fees directly arising from the use of the public courts system.
If your council is covering several councils/districts, please answer for all of them.
Q1 -2016 - Summons - 1,861, Liability Orders - 1,1872017 - Summons - 1,925, Liability Orders - 1,2562018 - Summons - 3,280, Liability Orders - 2,3942019 - Summons - 500, No Liability Orders as yetQ2 - Notice of Refusal, please see belowQ3 - The answer to whole of 3 is none as we don't Summons under £100.00Q4 - Notice of Refusal, please see belowNOTICE OF REFUSAL
The information requested in respect of Q2 & 4 would require us to manually check 4837accounts, this would far exceed the time limit set out by the Information Commissioner therefore under S12 of the Freedom of information Act 2000 provides an exemption from the obligation to comply with a request for information if the estimated costs of complying with that request would exceed the prescribed appropriate limit.
We estimate that the costs of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate limit by a significant amount.
For this reason we feel unable to comply with this request.
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