FOI request (FOIR-131266416)
Homeless reconnections
Requested Tue 16 July 2019
Responded Tue 23 July 2019I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please detail the following:
1) Please let me know how many homeless reconnection referrals have been made to your local authority in the last 3 years (2016, 2017, 2018). Of those, please detail how many were accepted, how many were rejected and which LA made the referral. Break down the data by UK nationals and non-UK national referrals, if possible. Let us know how many were referred to other authorities over modern slavery concerns.
2) Please let me know how many homeless people have been given transport to leave the local authority under your "reconnection policy" in the 18 months (2018 and the first 6 months of 2019). Please provide data in an annualised format.
• Of these transportation tickets, please tell me:
1. How many were one-way train tickets.
2. The destination to where people were sent, if possible.
3. The gender and age of the person travelling, if possible.
4. The reason for the reconnection, if possible.
5. Whether the local authorities performed a follow-up with
each person given transport under the "reconnection policy".
2016 accepted = 0 rejected = 0
2017 accepted = 0 rejected = 0
2018 accepted = 1 rejected = 0 name of LA authority = Rother UK national = 1
Q2 = 0
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