FOI request (FOIR-131264889)
Whether taxes are excluded from the offences in the Terrorism Act 2000 and the International Criminal Court Act 2001
Requested Tue 16 July 2019
Responded Tue 30 July 2019To understand my legal position and avoid committing a criminal offence, I need information from Hastings Borough Council and/or Government lawyers on the extent and operation of the criminal offences in the Terrorism Act 2000, the International Criminal Court Act 2001 and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. In particular I need to know:
• Those occasions in law when the offences in sections 15 - 18 of the Terrorism Act 2000 do not apply to the actions of UK taxpayers?
• If references to 'money' in sections 15 - 18 of the Terrorism Act 2000 exclude money paid to Councils and HMR&C?
• Whether the phrase 'conduct ancillary to' in section 52 of the International Criminal Court Act 2001 excludes the provision of money?
• Whether the provision of money by residents to Hastings Borough Council or HMR&C, in the knowledge that some of it will be used by HM military forces to attack, injure and kill men women and children in the Middle East, constitutes an offence under Article 25.3(c) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court?
• How much money in total did Hastings Borough Council receive as income in the financial year 2018 -2019?
• How much money in total did Hastings Borough Council transfer to HMR&C in the financial year 2018 -2019?
• Those occasions in law when the offences in sections 15 - 18 of the Terrorism Act 2000 do not apply to the actions of UK taxpayers? - Information not held
• If references to 'money' in sections 15 - 18 of the Terrorism Act 2000 exclude money paid to Councils and HMR&C? - Information not held
• Whether the phrase 'conduct ancillary to' in section 52 of the International Criminal Court Act 2001 excludes the provision of money? - Information not held
• Whether the provision of money by residents to Hastings Borough Council or HMR&C, in the knowledge that some of it will be used by HM military forces to attack, injure and kill men women and children in the Middle East, constitutes an offence under Article 25.3(c) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court?
This information is held - Hastings Borough Council do administer the collection of Council Tax which is spent on local services such as policing, fire services, support for the elderly and vulnerable, parks maintenance, refuse disposal and street cleaning.
• How much money in total did Hastings Borough Council receive as income in the financial year 2018 -2019?
This information is held - £77.5m (unaudited accounts)
• How much money in total did Hastings Borough Council transfer to HMR&C in the financial year 2018 -2019?
This information is held - £2.74m see attachment
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