FOI request (FOIR-129795952)
Council Tax discount
Requested Tue 09 July 2019
Responded Mon 15 July 2019I am aware that some local authorities offer residents a discount for paying their residential council tax in one single lump sum, rather than in instalments.
Under the FOIA, I would like to know a) if you offer a discount for residents that pay their council tax in one single lump sum.
If the answer the above question a) is yes, then I'd like to know b) how much this discount is c) when you introduced this discount, if known. I would also like to know d) In each of the past three tax years, how many households who paid council tax have chosen to pay by one lump sum. Can I have the total number of households that paid council tax for context?
Hastings Borough Council does not offer a discount for residents that pay their council tax in one single lump sum.
Freedom of Information
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