FOI request (FOIR-128215774)
NJC Pay Spine
Requested Tue 02 July 2019
Responded Tue 30 July 2019UNISON Local Authority Pay Spine FOI 2019
1. Please provide the pay and grading structure used by your authority for NJC/GLPC workers only, including any local extension of the pay spine.
2. Please provide the basic pay and gender distribution of NJC/GLPC workers only employed by your local authority for each pay point you use, including any local extension of the pay spine. Please do not include school support staff employed by schools.
An excel spreadsheet template is attached to assist you.
Guidance to responding
Please base your return on your June 2019 payroll.
An NJC/GLPC employer is one that implements NJC/GLPC pay awards regardless of whether or not they use the NJC/GLPC pay spine or have changed NJC Green Book conditions.
Councils who have opted out of NJC pay bargaining should only provide the information requested at question 1.
Councils sharing services should fill in separate excel spreadsheet returns for each authority.
School support staff employed by councils e.g. school escort, school crossing patrol, should be included. School support staff employed by schools should be excluded.
Staff on zero hours should be excluded from your return.
Staff employed on Chief Officers, Craft, Soulbury or Youth and Community terms and conditions should be excluded from your return.
Please see attached documents as requested.
Freedom of Information
Contact us if you have a question about freedom of information.
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