FOI request (FOIR-125083566)
Requested Mon 17 June 2019
Responded Thu 04 July 2019I run a Social Enterprise that is tackling poverty with a Tech solution to break the Poverty Premium, and I am hoping that you can help me with any information about how the Council supports its poorest residents. More information about what we are doing can be found at ethecal.comWe plan to use this information to shape a solution that will help both the Council & it’s vulnerable constituents.
Any information that you can send would be very much appreciated, but the specific questions we have at the moment are:
· Do you have a “Homelessness prevention department” or similar? If so, are you able to give me any stats about its work – number of people helped, budget, current/anticipated challenges, ambition etc.?
· Do you run or link with Housing Associations? If so, any details will help us greatly, but particularly: Numbers helped, rent default levels, financially based evictions, supply vs demand, current/anticipated challenges, ambition etc.
· Housing benefit numbers
Q1 - Yes
Statistics on number of people helped are published my Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/homelessness-statistics
Budgets - https://www.hastings.gov.uk/my_council/transparency/budgets/
Rough Sleeping and Temporary Accommodation Update - https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=130&MId=3070&Ver=4
Q2 - Hastings Borough Council do not own any stock of social housing. We nominate households to registered providers, for numbers helped and number of households currently on our housing register please see https://www.hastings.gov.uk/housing/social_housing/new/.
We hold no information in respect of rent default levels, financially based evictions, current/anticipated challenges, ambition etc
Q3 - As at 31st March 2019 we had 6,784 claims for Housing Benefit.
Freedom of Information
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