FOI request (FOIR-121884856)
Built Housing and section 106's
Requested Fri 31 May 2019
Responded Tue 05 November 2019Q1: In each of the following financial years:
Please state for each year:
a) how many (number) of homes have been approved to be built
b) how many (number) of these were affordable homes
Q2: What was your affordable housing target expressed as a percentage for each of the years in question 1.
Q3: How many Section 106 agreements have agreed with developers in each of the financial years specified in question 1.
Q4: How many of these Section 106 agreements successfully resulted in the loss or gain in the number of affordable homes?
Q5: For each financial year, please state:
a) The total number of affordable homes that have been lost or gained as a result of the renegotiations
b) How this compares with the number originally specified.
If for any reason any if the information above is deemed exempt, please provide me with the remaining information that is not deemed exempt. If the request is deemed to be too costly or time-consuming, please take each element of the request above in order starting from 1 and ending in 5b and complete all possible.
If you are encountering practical difficulties complying with this request, please contact me so that we can discuss the matter and if necessary I can modify the request.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding, we have introduce a new Freedom of Information system and have experienced a few problems.
Q1a - Information not held, Hastings Borough Council (HBC) do not collate this information. Information on planning applications can be viewed on the public access system. https://www.hastings.gov.uk/planning/searching/
Q1b - The latest reports on affordable housing completions can be located in the Local Plan Monitoring Report 2017/18 at: https://www.hastings.gov.uk/content/planning/planning_policy/latest_news_consultations/467751/Final_LPMR_2019_incl_appx.pdf
Q2 - The Local Plan sets out a net new homes target between 2011 and 2028 for at least 3,400 homes, which is equivalent to at least 200 new homes per annum. The annual Affordable Housing target is 70 units, which is 35% of the new homes target.
Q3 -
2015-16 - 16
2016-17 - 4
2017/18 - 1
2018/19 - 7
Q4 - Information not held - HBC do not collate data on loss or gain compared with policy set out in the Local Plan.
Q5a - Below are the total number of affordable homes contained within S106 Agreements:
2015/16 - 55
2016/17 - 92
2017/18 - 0
2018/19 - 60
In addition to the above, there are also financial contributions for affordable housing which have been provided as an alternative to, or in addition to, affordable homes.
Q5b - As per Q4 we do not have information collated on the number of affordable homes originally specified.
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