FOI request (FOIR-121258059)
Brexit Planning and Preparations
Requested Tue 28 May 2019
Responded Fri 21 June 2019I am writing to you to request, under the Freedom of Information act, copies of the following:
First, any documents from this year (2019) produced by your local authority outlining planning or preparations for the upcoming exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
Second, any risk registers or risk assessments that mention Britain's upcoming exit from the European Union made or used by this local authority in 2019.
The Council's key risk assessment of Brexit was in the report titled 'Risk Assessment of a No Deal Brexit'. presented to the Audit Committee on 15 November 2018: (https://hastingsintranet.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s29826/Appendix%20A%20-%20Risk%20Assessment%20of%20the%20no-deal%20Brexit.pdf).
Brexit is covered under risk 17 in our Strategic Risk Register and Brexit is also covered under various parts of our Operational Risk Register.
Both registers were presented to the Audit Committee on 14 March 2019:
Strategic Risk Register https://hastingsintranet.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s32096/STRATEGIC%20RISK%20REGISTER%20140119%20v1.pdf
Operational Risk Register: https://hastingsintranet.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s32098/Combined%20Operational%20RR%20March%202019.pdf
Freedom of Information
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