FOI request (FOIR-121213579)
Business Rates-May 2019
Requested Tue 28 May 2019
Responded Thu 20 June 2019Under the Freedom of Information Act of 2000, could you please provide me with the most up-to-date list of all business (non-residential) property rates data for your local authority, and including the following fields:
(a) Billing Authority Reference Code
(b) The current ratepayer of the property (if a LTD company)
(c) Full Property Address (Number, Street, Postal Code, Town)
(d) The date the current ratepayer became liable for the business rates
(e) Occupied / Vacant status
(f) Any relief the property is currently receiving including, but not limited to : mandatory, discretionary, small business rates relief, empty rates relief etc
(g) The current rateable value of the property
Could you also please confirm the date that the data was generated from your system.
I appreciate that properties owned / rented by individuals are personal information and such personal data (i.e. the Firm's Trading Name) would be excluded from my request in terms of Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In such cases, please provide the remaining information with the Firm's Trading Name either blank or listed as 'individual'.
Please provide this data on one spreadsheet as machine-readable as either a CSV or Microsoft Excel file.
Please se attached:
There are two separate spreadsheets because we are unable to extract it all on one report.
The full list of accounts shows the whole database and includes parts a) b) c) d) and g)
The full list with reliefs includes the information for parts e) and f). Re: part e) – empty properties are denoted by code EPRN and EPRI and the date the relief awarded column shows the date the property is listed as vacant.
The information was extracted 06 June 2019.
- FOIR-121213579_FOIR-121213579_2-FOI121213579_(2)_NDR_full_list_of_accounts_06_June_2019.xlsx
- FOIR-121213579_FOIR-121213579_1-FOI121213579_(1)_NDR_full_list_with_reliefs_06_June_2019.xlsx
- FOIR-121213579_FOIR-121213579_2-FOI121213579_(2)_NDR_full_list_of_accounts_06_June_2019.xlsx
- FOIR-121213579_FOIR-121213579_1-FOI121213579_(1)_NDR_full_list_with_reliefs_06_June_2019.xlsx
Freedom of Information
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