FOI request (FOIR-121212734)
Council redundancies 2019
Requested Tue 28 May 2019
Responded Fri 02 August 2019Can you provide me with the total number of staff that were made redundant by the council for each of the following financial years...
Can you provide me with the total cost of those redundancies for each year?
Can you provide me with the number of staff employed by the council in each of those years?
Can you also provide the name of the department each role was lost from?
Can you provide me with the total number of staff that were made redundant by the council for each of the following financial years...
2014/15 - 13
2015/16 - 6
2016/17 - 3
2017/18 - 1
2018/19 - 9
Can you provide me with the total cost of those redundancies for each year?
2014/15 - £294,184.92
2015/16 - £128,664.19
2016/17 - £11,857.74
2017/18 - Please see refusal notice below
2018/19 - £139,063.84
Can you provide me with the number of staff employed by the council in each of those years?
2014/15 - 351
2015/16 - 339
2016/17 - 349
2017/18 - 339
2018/19 - 345
Can you also provide the name of the department each role was lost from?
2014/15 - Resort services, Licensing, Regeneration, Environmental Services, Human Resources, Business Support, Corporate Services
2015/16 - Housing, Marketing, Rangers, Resort services and Parks and Gardens
2016/17 - Housing and Housing Renewal
2017/18 - Please see refusal notice below
2018/19 - Rangers, Resort services, Business Support, CCTV, Revenues & Benefits, Regeneration, Housing and Housing Renewal
There was only one person made redundant within the year 2017/18 therefore, the information requested to receive their redundancy package and name of department could lead to the identity of that individual therefore is classed as personal data. These questions are being refused under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 'personal data' this is an absolute exemption and will not be provided.
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