FOI request (FOIR-115612009)
Bailiff Collection Rates
Requested Thu 25 April 2019
Responded Tue 04 June 2019Under the Freedom of Information Act, please can you supply the following information in CSV:
· The names of the bailiffs you contract to collect council tax and traffic fines
· The number of council tax warrants issued per year to each bailiff, from 2010 - 2018
· The recovery rate for warrants within council tax from 2010 – 2018 (i.e. # of cases paid versus # of cases returned as uncollectable)
· The number of traffic warrants issued per year to each bailiff, from 2010 - 2018
· The recovery rate for warrants within traffic penalties from 2010 – 2018 (i.e. # of cases paid versus # of cases returned as uncollectable)
Does your bailiff contract for traffic penalties in 2018 have a fixed collection rate that they need to achieve? If so, what is this rate?
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Council Tax
1. Rossendales
2010/11 – 3,907
2011/12 – 4,578
2012/13 – 4,612
2013/14 – 3,609
2014/15 – 7,822
2015/16 – 2,977
2016/17 – 1,031
2017/18 – 337
2018/19 – 2,302
We do not hold the information on the recovery rate of warrants
1. Equita
2. Hastings Borough Council enforce off street parking only. On street parking enforcement was transferred to East Sussex County Council on the 1 April 2013, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
The information we hold on the number of warrants issued is as follows:
01/04/15 to 31/03/16 - 242
01/04/16 to 31/03/17 - 242
01/04/17 to 31/03/18 - 218
01/04/18 to 31/03/19 – 334
3. Recovery
01/04/15 to 31/03/16 – enforcement unsuccessful – 185 successful - 57
01/04/16 to 31/03/17 – enforcement unsuccessful – 204 successful - 38
01/04/17 to 31/03/18 – enforcement unsuccessful – 157 successful - 61
01/04/18 to 31/03/19 - enforcement unsuccessful – 14 successful - 70 live cases - 250
4. Not applicable
Freedom of Information
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