FOI request (FOIR-111374269)
Rough Sleepers
Requested Thu 28 March 2019
Responded Thu 18 April 20191. Can you confirm you received a grant of £664,000 (split with Eastbourne council) from the £30 million Rough Sleeping Initiative fund to help combat rough sleeping in 2018/19.2. Can you break down exactly how it was spent in an excel spreadsheet with different categories (i.e. beds, caseworkers) and how much each respective element received.3. How much have you spent on combating homelessness (including the grants such as the rough sleeping initiative) each year from 2008/9 to 2018/19. Can you detail the breakdown of this funding in a excel spreadsheet as above.4. How many rough sleepers have there been in your locality for each year from 2008/09- 2018/19?
1 - Correct
2 - A breakdown of spend is attached. It should be noted that a number of invoices are outstanding for salary and accommodation costs and services provided by contractors. £14,000 will also be carried forward from 2018/19 to 2019/20.
Please note: Salary information has been removed as this falls under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 'personal data' this is an absolute exemption and will not be provided.
3 - Information not held
4 - Information not held
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