FOI request (FOIR-110381761)
Pregnant Women in Temporary Accommodation
Requested Thu 21 March 2019
Responded Thu 18 April 2019
To provide this information the council would have to check 369 B&B lists dated back to 2014, which is 2 a week. To calculate each B&B list and determine which client was pregnant within the period requested would take approx. 5 mins per B&B list which would equal 30.75 hours to provide. this would far exceed the time limit set out by the Information Commissioner therefore under S12 of the Freedom of information Act 2000 provides an exemption from the obligation to comply with a request for information if the estimated costs of complying with that request would exceed the prescribed appropriate limit.
We estimate that the costs of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate limit by a significant amount.
For this reason we feel unable to comply with this request.
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