FOI request (FOIR-109830618)
Council Tax
Requested Mon 18 March 2019
Responded Wed 27 March 2019Please can I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:
1a) In £, the total amount of Council Tax which was unpaid, by municipal year from 2012/13 and including any arrears in 2018/19 to date);
1b) The total amount of Council Tax, in £, which was owed but never paid by Universal Credit claimants since 2012/13 (broken down by municipal year and including any arrears in 2018/19 to date);
1c) The number of households in receipt of Universal Credit which are currently in arrears on their Council Tax;
2) Since the national introduction of Universal Credit from 2013 onwards, has your authority had to reduce the number of housing officers dealing with benefits queries because of a reduction in government funding? If so, please provide figures for government funding (in £) and staffing numbers (in Full Time Equivalents) before and after these reductions.
If my request cannot be met within cost limits, please can you provide me with advice on how I may refine my request,
2012 - £163,630.31
2013 - £260,761.09
2014 - £381,216.02
2015 - £557,157.79
2016 - £943,283.51
2017 - £1,713,170.44
2018 to date - £3,036,165.23
1b) - Information not held
1c) - Information not held
2) - No
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