FOI request (FOIR-109624101)
Information regarding wheelchair equipment within public play parks
Requested Fri 15 March 2019
Responded Tue 26 March 2019Freedom of Information Questionnaire Regarding Wheelchair Friendly Play Park equipment
1. Do any of the public play parks located within your geographical area incorporate equipment which can be utilised by persons who are wheelchair bound? Yes/ No
2. If Q1 = Yes please list equipment
_________________________________________________________________________3. Do any of the public play parks located within your geographical area incorporate an ability swing specifically designed for wheelchair users? Yes/No
If Q3 = Y please answer the following questions
4. Please detail supplier(s) of equipment and if known equipment item no and/or model number.
___________________________________________________________________________5. Does the ability swing(s) require the use of removable items e.g. straps for securing the wheelchair in place? Yes/No
If Yes please provide further information:
___________________________________________________________________________6. If Q5 = “Y” Have any of the removable items been the subject of loss/theft Yes/No
If Yes please provide further information___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________7. In your opinion, have you found the ability swings to be robust and fit for purpose? Yes / No
If No please details of issues/concerns:
8. Has the ability swing(s) been the subject of vandalism or misuse? Yes/No
___________________________________________________________________________9. What safety precautions have been adopted to ensure the safety of other park users and mitigate misuse. E.g. enclosure, radar key to gain access
Q1 - Yes - 2 roundabouts and 1 ramped multiplay.
Q3 - No
Q5 - Not applicable - we don't have ability swings for wheelchairs.
Freedom of Information
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