FOI request (FOIR-108966247)
Customer Service - contact points request
Requested Mon 11 March 2019
Responded Fri 15 March 2019Please will you provide me with e-mail addresses for the following:
1 The name and e-mail address of the Senior Housing Benefit Officer;
in the alternative the name of the Senior Housing Benefit Officer
and the generic e-mail address for his or her section; and
2 The name and e-mail address of the Senior Planning Officer
responsible for the Local Plan; in the alternative the name of the
Senior Planning Officer responsible for the Local Plan and the
generic e-mail address for his or her section.
If this request can be handled as a customer contact request as opposed to a Freedom of Information Act Request (ie by return and not within 20 days)
I will be most grateful; failing which please accept this e-mail as a Freedom of Information Act Request.
Q1 - Peter Grace - pgrace@hastings.gov.ukQ2 - Victoria Conheady - vconheady@hastings.gov.uk -
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