FOI request (FOIR-105907729)
Homelessness Reduction Act FOI
Requested Fri 15 February 2019
Responded Mon 15 April 2019I'm writing to you to request information held under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I am hoping to find out:
1. How many people have approached the local authority stating that they are threatened with homelessness since 1 April 2018?
2. How many people have been owed the prevention duty since 1 April 2018?
3. How many people have the local authority prevented the person being homeless?
4. How many people have approached the local authority stating that they are homeless since 1 April 2018?
5. How many people have been owed the relief duty since 1 April 2018?
6. How many people have the local authority relieved of being homeless?
7. How much money has been allocated to the local authority for financial year 2018/19 to enable the local authority to comply with their new homeless reduction act duties?
This request should cover data from April 1 2018 to February 15 2019 and broken down to monthly figures if possible.
Questions 1 to 6 answers relate to the number of 'households' and are broken down by quarter. Note: these figures my be subject to change.
1. Q1 =126, Q2 =136, Q3 =110 and Q4 up until 15 Feb 19= 75
2. Q1 =125, Q2 =120, Q3 =91 and Q4 up until 15 Feb 19= 61
3. Q1 = 13, Q2 = 38, Q3 = 29 and Q4 up until 15 Feb 19= 18
4. Q1 =138, Q2 =143, Q3 =153 and Q4 up until 15 Feb 19= 57
5. Q1 =143, Q2 =167, Q3 =144 and Q4 up until 15 Feb 19= 58
6. Q1 = 14, Q2 = 36, Q3 = 14 and Q4 up until 15 Feb 19= 9
7. The council receives flexible homelessness support grant (FHSG) funding, which has been used to help it meet the requirements of the new Act. A full breakdown of how FHSG has been spent can be found at https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=130&MId=3067&Ver=4
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