FOI request (FOIR-103364690)
Requested Wed 23 January 2019
Responded Fri 08 March 2019Questions for consideration
All of the below questions relate to any contracts you have with enforcement (debt collection) service providers for the recovery of unpaid Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs). Each question should be answered in relation to this. Please answer each question in the boxes below, in the formats requested.
1. Please specify whether you have an existing contract(s) for Enforcement Agent (Bailiff) Services for PCN debt collection
Yes/No Response
2. Please provide the date that your existing contract(s) for Enforcement Agent (Bailiff) Services for PCN debt collection will expire
3. Please state the name of all Enforcement Agencies appointed by the above contract(s)
Enforcement Agency Names
4. How many instructions were issued each year to the Enforcement Agencies mentioned since the contract(s) with them was put in place?
Answer here
5. If you don't have a current contract with an Enforcement Agency for PCN collection in place, please could you specify:
a. The process by which your council collects unpaid PCNs. Please make clear the bodies or companies responsible for the delivery of this service
b. The number of debt collection instructions issued to the bodies or companies delivering these services on an annual basis over the last five years
6. Do you engage Enforcement Services under a Service Level Agreement and if so, what date is the agreement due to be reviewed?
Answer here
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding, we have installed a new Freedom of Information system and have experienced a few problems.
Q1 - No
Q2 - Not applicable
Q3 - Equita
Q4 - Hastings Borough Council enforce off street parking only. On street parking enforcement was transferred to East Sussex County Council on the 1 April 2013. The information we hold on the number of instructions is as follows:
01/04/15 to 31/03/16 - 242
01/04/16 to 31/03/17 - 224
01/04/17 to 31/03/18 - 218
01/04/18 to 28/02/19 - 334
Q5 - Not applicable
Q6 - No
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