FOI request (FOI229888)
Council Tax
Requested Tue 19 December 2017
Responded Tue 19 December 2017I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) to request the following information from your procurement and contracting department.
Questions 1-4 are Information Technology related.
Questions 5 & 6 are for the Revenues or Finance department.
My questions are:
1) Name of your existing software product for processing of Council Tax?
e.g. Capita, Northgate, Civica or other, please give Company and or product name.
2) Date of the next software licence renewal?
if a perpetual licence then the date of maintenance renewal please?
3) Annual cost of software (Council Tax)?
i.e. software licence and or maintenance (if not separated from Housing Benefit and or NNDR, then total cost please)
4) Are the printing of Council tax bills produced in-house or by external provider?
5) The average cost to the Authority per bill produced? (To calculate cost I do not require staffing costs, so Information Technology cost, printing, postage, collating and any other direct costs, divided by the number of bills produced, please do not deduct revenue from advertisers, that may sponsor bill production).
Q1 - Northgate
Q2 - 31/03/2018
Q3 - £105k overall
Q4 - External
Q5 - 0.46p per bill excluding Northgate costs above.
Freedom of Information
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