FOI request (FOI229887)
Requested Fri 26 January 2018
Responded Fri 26 January 2018Re: Freedom of Information Request to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA 2000)
We write to request information pursuant to the FOIA 2000.
We would therefore be grateful for you to supply the following information
- Internal space standards (these will most usually be the government’s published standards so I think you already have these)
- External private amenity space standards (flats)
- External private amenity space standards (houses)
- Communal private amenity space standards
- Minimum back to back distances
- Minimum side to back distances
- Separation distances to the side boundary (sometimes referred to as the ‘terracing effect’)
- Window to window distances
- Window to external amenity distances
- Car parking standards
- Cycle parking standards
- Waste storage standards
- % Lifetime Homes (M4(2))
- % Wheelchair Accessible Units (M4(3))
- Density standards (these could be minimum, maximum or a guide)
- Housing mix requirements
- Affordable housing policy
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding
Internal space standards (these will most usually be the government’s published standards so I think you already have these)
Government’s published standards
External private amenity space standards (flats)
This is located in the Development Management Plan (2015) – Policy DM3g
External private amenity space standards (houses)
This is located in the Development Management Plan (2015) – Policy DM3g
Communal private amenity space standards
This is located in the Development Management Plan (2015) – Policy DM3g
Minimum back to back distances
Information not held
Minimum side to back distances
Information not held
Separation distances to the side boundary (sometimes referred to as the ‘terracing effect’)
Information not held
Window to window distances
Information not held
Window to external amenity distances
Information not held
Car parking standards
This is located in the Development Management Plan (2015) – Policy DM4d
East Sussex County Council has recently updated its residential parking standards, so see link below and the document located at the bottom of the decision page.
Cycle parking standards
This is located in the Development Management Plan (2015) – Policy DM4c
Waste storage standards
This is located in the Development Management Plan (2015) – Policy DM3b
% Lifetime Homes (M4(2))
This is located in the Hastings Planning Strategy 2011-2028 – Policy H2d
% Wheelchair Accessible Units (M4(3))
This is located in The Hastings Planning Strategy 2011-2028 – Policy H2e
Density standards (these could be minimum, maximum or a guide)
This is located in The Hastings Planning Strategy 2011-2028 - Policy H1
Housing mix requirements
This is located in The Hastings Planning Strategy 2011-2028 – Policy H2
Affordable housing policy
This is located in The Hastings Planning Strategy 2011-2028 – Policy H3: Provision of Affordable Housing
Information not held (We do not charge CIL)
Freedom of Information
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