FOI request (FOI229767)
DoLS - Extra Funding
Requested Tue 09 January 2018
Responded Tue 09 January 2018As reported in March 2017, local authorities were provided an extra £25 million due to the Cheshire West outcome of the Supreme Court ruling. I would like to know the following as an freedom of information act request please.
How much did each local authority receive from this amount?
How much is left that has not been used?
Was some of the money to different team budgets due to not being used?
If yes, how much was moved to another team budget.
As this was a one time emergency deal, how are local authorities funding DoLS year on year?
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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