FOI request (FOI229764)
Narconon talks
Requested Wed 13 December 2017
Responded Wed 13 December 2017I am looking for information about schools or colleges which have hosted talks to pupils by the charity, Narconon (UK charity number 1159334). Please could you provide me with the following:
1) Has the council received any complaints about Narconon talks to pupils hosted by schools or colleges over the past two calendar years (January 2016 – December 2017)? If so, please can you provide details of the nature of the complaint, which school/college the talk was hosted at and whether any action was taken.
2) Does the council offer any advice or guidance to schools or colleges who are approached by Narconon to host talks to pupils?
3) Is the council aware of any schools or colleges which have hosted Narconon talks to pupils over the past two calendar years (January 2016 – December 2017)? If so, please can you provide details including which school/college hosted the talk and the date. In cases where Narconon talks have been hosted by schools/colleges in that period, please can you detail whether any publicity or campaign material was handed out to pupils or the school/college by the charity.
Information not held
Schools and Education is dealt with by East Susex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
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