FOI request (FOI229641)
Request for Facilities Management Information
Requested Mon 08 January 2018
Responded Mon 08 January 2018I have been wanting to send a freedom of information request relating to the Organisation’s existing contracts relating to facilities management.
A. Lift Service and Maintenance
B. Air Conditioning and Ventilation Servicing and Maintenance
C. Cleaning and Janitorial
D. Mechanical And Electrical Maintenance
E. Property Maintenance And Day To Day Repairs
In regards to the types of contracts I have displayed above can you please send the Organisation’s primary contracts? Or can you please send me the contract that are above £1000.
Also, so that I understand the information you have provided to me please state information if the Organisation doesn’t have any contract I have stated within this request.
1. Contract Type – Please use the list I have provided above
2. Existing Supplier – Please state the supplier for each contract
3. Annual Spend- Please can you provide me with the spend for each individual supplier
4. Contract Duration- please note if there are any extensions period available and if so what?
5. Contract Start
6. Contract Expiry
7. Contract Review
8. Contract Description- a small description of the type of services included within each contract.
9. Number of sites covered for each contract e.g. the organisation may have a maintenance agreement with a supplier that covers several sites/buildings.
10. Can you also send me the contact details of the person within the Organisation that is responsible for each one of these contract you have submitted.
Lift Service and Maintenance: We have used the following 4 contractors during 2017 and spent with each of them;
Gartec Ltd. £3,720.67
Jackson Lifts Ltd. £4,053.60
Stannah Lifts £1,083.23
Kone Ltd £3,122.35
These agreements are rolling agreements given the relatively low values involved and a wish to keep a spread of contractors for this service to promote competition.
Air Conditioning and Ventilation Servicing and Maintenance: None of our buildings are air conditioned.
Cleaning and Janitorial: Contracts for both Office Cleaning and Public Conveniences let and won by SHS Ltd. There has been heavy rationalisation of both the office cleaning contract and the number of public conveniences that we now operate. The contract value of the Office Cleaning contract is £254,001 (or approximately £84,667 per annum) for 3 years expiring 31 March 2020. The Public Conveniences contract is still being processed and will advise when finalised.
Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance: We have 2 cliff railways and use East Sussex Lifts (Spend in 2017, £4,585.20). There have been changes in service provider before but they are currently running on a rolling basis.
Property Maintenance and ‘Day to Day’ repairs: Our small buildings and minor works contract is with DCB Kent Ltd. The contract is a 5 year contract finishing on 31 March 2020 but with a 2 year possible extension. The annual value of the contract is approximately £450k. This includes some mechanical and electrical maintenance that they do.
In general terms, the council looks to review its contracts 12 to 15 months before the expiry date.
We are keen to receive expressions of interests / bids from small, medium enterprises (SMEs) and we are particularly looking to invite local SMEs in selection in the future. Any flyers or brochures for services at the smaller end will happily to sent to respective service managers for them to consider when they next review their contracts and agreements. The email address to send them is procurement@hastings.gov.uk and marked as “to be passed to relevant service area”.
For larger contracts, we recommend you register on the procurement portal that we use:
It’s completely free, takes about 15 minutes to register and provides access to all of the East Sussex, West Sussex and Surrey Councils and Slough.
Freedom of Information
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