FOI request (FOI228505)
Smoking cessation
Requested Thu 30 November 2017
Responded Thu 30 November 2017I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from the local authority regarding the commissioning of smoking cessation services in your area:
Please provide the information asked for in the following questions:
· If a smoking cessation service were to be commissioned in your area would it be your responsibility. If not, whose?
· Do you currently commission smoking cessation services from community pharmacies in your area?
If yes:
· How many individual community pharmacies do you commission a smoking cessation service from in your area?
· What is the annual value of the commissioning contracts with community pharmacies in your area? 2015/16 & 2016/17
· What was the value of the contracts with community pharmacies in your area in 2013/14 & 2014/15?
· Are there any plans to decommission, or reduce, smoking cessation services in your area in the next 12 months?
If no:
· In the last three years have smoking cessation services been decommissioned from community pharmacies in your area? If so, when and why?
· Do you commission the service to be delivered from another provider (other than a community pharmacy)? If so, which type of organisation?
Hastings Borough Council do not commission smoking cessation services from community pharmacies.
Freedom of Information
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