FOI request (FOI227937)
Baldslow Gateway
Requested Wed 15 November 2017
Responded Wed 15 November 2017Baldslow Gateway
Further to your letter of the 4th October 2017.
You state that they have breached the C.E.M.P. Para/section 3.
Could you be more specific and expand on how and why and when they breached same. (I have downloaded the attachment to which you referred me but am still unclear and seek clarification)
You also state that Deheny have provided you with Noise Monitor Readings and that those supplied do not breach noise levels. What regulations/guidelines are you gauging the noise levels against and what were the actual noise levels recorded and what total period did they cover?
As I requested from the very start I request that you provide a copy of the noise levels from the beginning of commencement of work this year by contractors be it Blackwell or Deheny. I request same again consecutively as per the Freedom of Information Act
I also request that you supply the Risk Assessment that Deheny should have done/submitted to outline/ demonstrate controls implemented in all aspects of the C.E.M.P. to reduce noise, vibration and pollution levels to comply with the required standards re same, as per the freedom of information Act.
This information is held
Further to your letter of the 4th October 2017.
You state that they have breached the C.E.M.P. Para/section 3.
Could you be more specific and expand on how and why and when they breached same. (I have downloaded the attachment to which you referred me but am still unclear and seek clarification)
The CEMP, as approved under application HS/CD/16/00707, required noise monitoring recording data to be collected during the works. The developers acknowledged that noise recording had not been collected for a period of the works. Therefore, a Breach of Condition Notice was served on the 17th August 2017. Since the Notice was served we have received regular noise data reports, with the latest providing data up to the 29th October 2017. These reports have been reviewed by our Environment Health Team who have not considered the noise levels recorded to be in breach of those agreed in the CEMP.
You also state that Deheny have provided you with Noise Monitor Readings and that those supplied do not breach noise levels. What regulations/guidelines are you gauging the noise levels against and what were the actual noise levels recorded and what total period did they cover?
The noise levels are gauged against those set out in the CEMP, which were set to comply with BS 5228: Noise and Vibration control on construction sites. Recording have been made since 28th October 2017 and the Council have been provided with data from this date up until the 29th October 2017. This data is attached.
As I requested from the very start I request that you provide a copy of the noise levels from the beginning of commencement of work this year by contractors be it Blackwell or Deheny. I request same again consecutively as per the Freedom of Information Act.As stated above, the Developer failed to record noise level data until August 2017. Unfortunately, noise level data does not exist for the site from before August 2017. It was for this reason a Breach of Condition Notice was served.
I also request that you supply the Risk Assessment that Deheny should have done/submitted to outline/ demonstrate controls implemented in all aspects of the C.E.M.P. to reduce noise, vibration and pollution levels to comply with the required standards re same, as per the freedom of information Act.
There is no requirement for the developer to submit a ‘risk assessment’ in regard to the CEMP, we have not received one and we would not expect one. The CEMP itself details measures required to reduce noise, as well other environmental controls.Attachments
Freedom of Information
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