FOI request (FOI226760)
Workflow tool usage
Requested Thu 02 November 2017
Responded Thu 02 November 2017I’m requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, on workflow tool usage in local councils.
1. Do you use workflow tools to digitise scanned documents?
a) Yes
b) No
2. If yes, which tools do you use?
3. What processes have you automated through scan workflows?
4. What are your future investments plans for scan workflow solutions?
5. What is your IT budget for the year ahead?
a) £0 - £10,000
b) £10,001 - £20,000
c) £20,001 - £30,000
d) £30,001 - £40,000
e) £40,001+
6. Is this an increase or decrease on the previous year?
a) Increase
b) Decrease
Q1 - Yes
Q2 - iDocs and Idox
Q3 - Revenues and Benefits and Planning
Q4 - Information not held
Q5 - £40,001+
Q6 - Increase
Freedom of Information
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