FOI request (FOI225940)
Requested Tue 17 October 2017
Responded Tue 17 October 2017I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act (2000).
I am interested in obtaining data on the discharge of the Council’s statutory homeless duty, particularly with reference to private rented sector; I understand that the council can fully discharge the housing duty towards an applicant by making a ‘private rented sector offer’ (PRSO) under s. 193 (7AA)-(7AC) of the Housing Act 1996 as amended by s. 148 (5)-(7) Localism Act 2011.
I understand that the offer of accommodation needs to be suitable, but does not require the applicant’s acceptance to be a valid offer. Therefore I would be interested to know:
(a) how many times the council have discharged their duty towards an applicant by making a PRSO, each month, since the enactment of the Localism Act 2011, and
(b) in how many instances this has followed the refusal of the offer by the applicant
Hastings Borough Council do not report on this on a monthly basis, but we do report it quarterly to DCLG as part of the quarterly P1E return and can be viewed at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/homelessness-statistics.
Freedom of Information
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