FOI request (FOI224140)
Leased/Financed/Owned Vehicles
Requested Fri 22 December 2017
Responded Fri 22 December 2017
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act.
My questions relate to Hastings Borough Council (the council).
I wish to know:
1) How many vehicles does the council currently lease? *2) What is the council’s yearly budget for leased vehicles?
3) How many vehicles does the council currently have on Personal Contract Purchase (PCP)?
4) What is the council’s yearly budget for vehicles on PCP?
5) How many vehicles does the council currently have on Hire Purchase (HP)?
6) What is the council’s yearly budget for vehicles on HP?
7) How many vehicles does the council currently own on other types of finance (not leasing, PCP or HP)?
8) What is the council’s yearly budget for vehicles on other types of finance (not leasing, PCP or HP)?
9) How many vehicles does the council currently own outright?
10) What is the council’s vehicle purchase budget for the past 10 years?
* Leasing refers to personal contract hire or business contract hire.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding
This information is held
1. 14
2. £87,640
3. None
4. N/A
5. None
6. N/A
7. None
8. N/A
9. 7
10. Budget £73,250 - spend was £67,670
Freedom of Information
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