FOI request (FOI224030)
Car Park ticket machines
Requested Fri 15 September 2017
Responded Fri 15 September 2017I’m writing to make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please could you provide me with;
The percentage of cash-accepting car park ticket machines, which you are responsible for, that currently accept the new £1 coin.
If you do not currently have 100% compatibility, when do you estimate all cash-accepting car park ticket machines will be able to accept the new £1 coin.
Currently 5 machines out of 45 do not accept the new £1.00 coin which equates to 11%. At least one machine in all of our car parks accept the new coin.
We are planning to change parts for a further 3 machines to accept the new coin by October and then the last two will be upgrades hopefully by the end of October.
Freedom of Information
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