FOI request (FOI223460)
Market Trading Policies
Requested Tue 19 September 2017
Responded Tue 19 September 2017Respect for Animals is an animal welfare organisation that specialises in campaigning to bring an end to the cruel and unnecessary fur trade.
Due to a large volume of complaints from members of the public about the sale of real fur at council run markets we are preparing a new page for our website to provide information about individual Local Authority’s policies on the subject.
It would be helpful, therefore, if you could answer the following quick questions as part of our survey:
- Does your Local Authority own or manage any markets, fairs, festivals, or other events, where there are trading stalls; whether permanent, occasional, regular, outsourced or managed by another body?
- If so, can you please list them?
- Does your Local Authority have an Animal Welfare Charter?*
- Do you allow stall holders at your markets to sell real fur?**
- Could you please send me the contact details of the portfolio holder or committee chair whose remit includes markets?
* We would be happy to provide details of other Local Authority Animal Welfare Charters should this be of interest to you.
** We can provide a form of words to include in policy documents or stallholder agreements should this be of help.
Hastings "lets do business2" group manage a weekly farmers market within the town centre.
We also issue street trading consents to other organised events held across the borough during the year. Most of which are run by independent organisers, such as Jack in the Green, Seafood and Wine, Herring Festival, Mid Summer Fish Festival, monthly St Leonards on sea market, St Leonards Summer Festival and 1066 Bike Rally.
Please find attached our Animal Welfare charter.
We would not allow real fur products to be sold.
Cllr Colin Fitzgerald is the portfolio holder for Environment and Place Directorate:Email: cllr.colin.fitzgerald@hastings.gov.uk
Tel: 01424 451066
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