FOI request (FOI223043)
Dog breeding licences
Requested Tue 05 September 2017
Responded Tue 05 September 2017Dogs Trust will be conducting a research project to better understand the pet dog population in the UK. At present, the UK has very little knowledge regarding our pet dog population. Based on public surveys, previous estimates of population size have varied between 8.0 - 11.6 million. However, these surveys are costly initiatives, and as such, participant numbers remain financially constrained. This has led to significant knowledge gaps and unreliable pet dog population estimates. As such, the Canine Behaviour and Research Team at Dogs Trust are currently looking to explicitly estimate of the UK pet dog population.
We ask that you provide the following information regarding dog breeding licences issued by your council. All data requests are per annum, from 2006 – 2016. This data will be hugely beneficial to the project, as we will be able to obtain the UK dog population growth rate, which will allow for comprehensive statistical analysis.
Questions regarding all dog breeding licences:
- Number of first-time applications for a dog breeding licence, per year from 2006 – 2016.
- The fee charged for a first-time application, per year from 2006 – 2016 (including and excluding inspection fees).
- Number of renewal applications for a dog breeding licence, per year from 2006 – 2016.
- The fee charged for a renewal application, per year from 2006 – 2016 (including and excluding inspection fees).
- Number of applications refused for a dog breeding licence, per year from 2006 – 2016 (with reasons for refusal if possible).
- Number of dog breeding licences issued, per year from 2006 – 2016.
- Number of dog breeding licensed establishments with quarantine or isolation facilities, per year from 2006 – 2016.
- Number of dog breeding licensed establishments, per year from 2006 – 2016, with majority: A) natural light, B) artificial light, or C) a combination of both.
- Number of dog breeding licensed establishments, per year from 2006 – 2016, with the following accommodation: A) wholly indoors, B) wholly outdoors, or C) a combination of both.
- Number of dog breeding licensed establishment, per year from 2006 – 2016, with the following breeding establishments: A) domestic, B) non-domestic, or C) a combination of both.
More specific questions regarding each dog breeding licensed establishment, per year, from 2006 – 2016:11.
11. The number, age and breed of all breeding bitches, in each dog breeding licensed establishment.
12. The breed(s) of dog(s) concerned, in each dog breeding licensed establishment.
13. Number of kennels, in each dog breeding licensed establishment.
13. The total number of dogs kept above 9 months of age, in each dog breeding licensed establishment.
15. The number of litters produced, at each dog breeding licensed establishment.
16. The total number of puppies born, in each dog breeding licensed establishment.
I do not require any personal information regarding the dog breeding licensed establishments, such as address or company name. Instead, I am more than happy for each dog breeding licensed establishment to be randomly assigned a unique ID number. Additionally, if you do not have any part of the above information, please state entry as ‘NA’.
Q1 - 0
Q2 - £195
Q3 - 0
Q4 - £195
Q5 - N/A
Q6 - 0 all years
Q7 - Q16 inclusive - N/A
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