FOI request (FOI222199)
Environmental Permits and Contaminated Land
Requested Fri 18 August 2017
Responded Fri 18 August 2017I am writing on behalf of Groundsure Environmental Consultancy to request details of LA-PPC and LA-IPPC processes (air pollution permits) regulated by Hastings Borough Council under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 and any sites designated as contaminated land under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
To ensure our records are as up to date as possible we would like to request the following information:
· Details of all current and past Part A2 and Part B installations in your remit, including the following information if available: your reference for the permit, the name and address of the permit holder, the address for which the permit is granted, the grid reference, the date of issue, the process undertaken, and the current status of the permit.
· In addition, details of any enforcement notices issued relating to breaches of the terms of the above permits since our last recorded update on 24/02/2016. Where none have been issued we would be grateful if you could confirm as such.
· The address, grid reference, and site boundaries for all sites within your area that have been designated under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
· In addition, the address, grid reference and site boundaries for all sites where a remediation notice has been issued.
If possible GIS data (shapefile or tab) would be preferable, or an Excel or .csv file but we would be grateful for this information in whichever format is easiest for you to provide.
Q1 - Please see attached document
Q2 - Information not held, none have been issued
Q3 - Hastings Borough Council has no sites designated under Part 2A EPA 1990 as detailed on our website through the following link: /www.hastings.gov.uk/environmentalhealth/pollution/contaminated_land/
Freedom of Information
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