FOI request (FOI219675)
Requested Wed 19 July 2017
Responded Wed 19 July 2017With regards to the delivery of 30 free hours of childcare, what is the per child per hour funding arrangement with the local authority from government, including for children with special educational needs and who speak English as a second language.
· With regards to the delivery of 30 free hours of childcare, of your funding arrangement with government, how much per hour per child will be provided to childcare settings in the local authority area, including for children with special educational needs and who speak English as a second language.
· With regards to the delivery of 30 free hours of childcare, how many places for children are required within the local authority area.
· With regards to the delivery of 30 free hours of childcare, how many places for children have been created within the local authority area
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
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