FOI request (FOI219523)
Customer Experience feedback
Requested Tue 22 August 2017
Responded Tue 22 August 2017Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information, for any Service User and/or Customer Experience feedback surveys and contracts in place within the authority.
1. Current supplier of service user/customer experience feedback surveys (This may be more than one. For example, one supplier may be providing a survey solution for community feedback whilst a different supplier may provide a survey solution for feedback within care homes and another supplier for contact centre surveys. Please provide details of supplier contracts for all).
2. Value of individual contract/s (please specify whether “including VAT” or “plus VAT”).
3. Renewal date of current contract/s.
4. Contact details of officer/s responsible for the contract/s.
5. Brief description of service provided by current supplier.
6. Where contracts have been renewed in the last 6 months, please can you also provide a short list of suppliers that bid for each contract.
7. Typical route to tender (i.e., what procurement portal or individual quote requests etc.).
8. Does the authority own and/or run care homes and if yes, how many.
Hastings Borough Council is a relatively small urban district authority that does not have any care homes.
We have not commissioned any service user / customer experience feedback surveys. We do however, have a community contact centre and do carry out customer satisfaction surveys in-house carried out by our own officers.
We encourage anyone wishing to do business with the council to register on the South East Shared Services e-sourcing portal: https://www.sesharedservices.org.uk/esourcing . This covers all the councils in East Sussex, West Sussex, Surrey and Slough and is free to register.
Freedom of Information
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