FOI request (FOI218886)
Information Security (GDPR)
Requested Wed 19 July 2017
Responded Wed 19 July 2017I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act for the departmental structure of the IT / Information Security Department within the council.
Please can you confirm Names, Email addresses and where possible Telephone numbers of The Senior Management within the directorate who would be the individual responsible for compliance of GPDR (General Data Protection Regulation) which takes affect May 2018.
Q1 -
Head of Information Technology
|---- Analyst/Programmer
|---- Analyst/Programmer
|---- Analyst/Programmer
|---- Analyst/Programmer
|---- Communication Champion
|---- Junior Web Editor
|---- Support and Infrastructure Manager
|---- Network Support Engineer
|---- Network Support Engineer
|---- PC/Network Support Technician
|---- PC/Network Support Technician
|---- PC/Network Support Technician
Q2 - Mark Bourne, mbourne@hastings.gov.uk, 01424 451066
Freedom of Information
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