FOI request (FOI217929)
Garden Waste
Requested Tue 04 July 2017
Responded Tue 04 July 2017Collecting garden waste:
1. Do you charge for collection of garden / green waste?
2. If you do charge, how much do you charge for this in the financial year 17/18? 3. What service to they get for this charge? e.g. are there restrictions such as the number of bags?
4. If you charge for garden waste collection, what year did you start to do this?
5. What months do you offer a garden waste collection?
6. How often is garden waste collected?
7. What is the total number of households, and percentage of households, where garden waste is collected?
8. Are there any additional garden waste charges (e.g. Christmas trees disposal)?
9. Do you compost the collected garden waste?
10. If so, what percentage do you sell this back to the public, and at what price? Please include details of the weight of the compost for this price.
11. If so, what percentage do you use for public grounds and gardens? What is the value of this to you in the most recent financial year you have the data for?
12. Are there any additional sources of income from collected garden waste?
Total costs (Forecast 17/18 and actual 16/17):
13. What is the cost to you each year of collecting and disposing of garden waste?
14. How much did you make from any collection charges and sale to the public of composted waste?
Garden WasteQ1 - YES
Q2 - Hastings Borough Council charge £55 per annum for a 240litre wheelie bin. There is no restriction to the number of wheelie bins we issue, however we would investigate if we think that properties are using the service to dispose of commercial waste (Gardening businesses etc).
Q4 - 2008
Q5 - All year round, with a month shut down over the Christmas periodQ6 - Fortnightly
Q7 - 6200 properties which equates to 14.3 % of the borough
Q8 - No
Q9 - All the garden waste is sent to East Sussex County Council who organise the composting of the waste. www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Q10 - The Waste Disposal Authority is responsible for this, so we have no data. Please contact East Sussex County Council for this information www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Q11 - NIL
Q12 - NIL
Total costs (Forecast 17/18 and actual 16/17):
Q13 - We can only provide collection costs as the disposal is the responsibility of the County council (East Sussex).
2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Budget
Contractor Costs 227,250 240,500
Support Services (administrative charges, customer services etc) 33,275 31,150
Q14 - 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Budget
Income 307,641 330,000
Again we cannot give any costs attributed to the sale of composted waste as this is organised by East Sussex County Council www.eastsussex.gov.uk
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