FOI request (FOI217924)
Domestic Violence
Requested Fri 28 July 2017
Responded Fri 28 July 20171)How many people fleeing domestic violence were placed in hotels, hostels, bed and breakfast or other forms of temporary accommodation for each financial year from FY 2009/2010 to FY 2015/2016
2)How many people fleeing domestic violence were placed in temporary accommodation for longer than six weeks, for each year specified in Q1
3)The total cost to the local authority of accommodating people fleeing domestic violence in hotels, hostels, bed and breakfast or other forms of temporary accommodation for each year specified in Q1
4)The total cost to the local authority of accommodating people in hotels, hostels, bed and breakfast or other forms of temporary accommodation in each year specified in Q1
This information is held
Normally 'temporary accommodation' would include 'refuge', but 'refuge' would be excluded from 'costs'.
The information you have requested would require us to manually check 350 cases (350 households) to identify which ones are 'temporary accommodation' and of these which one were solely 'refuge' to either include or exclude them from the figures therefore would exceed the time limit set out by the Information Commissioner therefore under S12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides an exemption from the obligation to comply with a request for information if the estimated costs of complying with that request would exceed the prescribed appropriate limit. We estimate that the costs of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate limit by a significant amount. For this reason we feel unable to comply with this question
Total spend can be provided either as net or gross, initially we thought that it related to people fleeing domestic violence, but having reread the question following clarification we believe it relates to 'total costs for temporary accommodation'. We hold the following figures that relate to B&B and Annexe costs:
Gross: £169,281.20
Net: £58,983.00
Net: £62,309.20
Gross = £287,026.52
Net = £137,515.59
Gross = £240,051.79
Net = £93,125.25
Gross = £326,601.88
Net = £146,328.68
Gross = £315,343.37
Net = £110,494.27
Freedom of Information
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