FOI request (FOI217737)
Flats - Fire Risk Assessment
Requested Thu 13 July 2017
Responded Thu 13 July 20171. When was the last time a fire risk assessment was carried out on housing where council tenants reside where the building has more than six floors?
1 (a) Please can you provide further details as to how many buildings are under your authority and the details of each report.
2. Of those assessments in question 1, please can you provide how many were considered high risk (high risk defined as a serious risk to life from fire, substantial quantities of combustible materials, highly flammable substances, or likelihood of the rapid spread of fire, heat or smoke)?
Q1 N/A - Hastings Borough Council does not have any social housing. The only tenants that the Council has are those placed via the Social Lettings Agency (49 leased units), but none of these properties are over 6 floors high.Q1A - N/A there are none which are over 6 floors high.
Q2 - N/A
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