FOI request (FOI217251)
Incidents with refuse collectors
Requested Thu 29 June 2017
Responded Thu 29 June 20171. In the last financial year 2016/17 how many incidents did your authority record where refuse collectors were assaulted by members of the public while carrying out council duties? Please give a brief description of the circumstances of the incident.
NOTE: By refuse collectors I mean all employees whose main duties are involved in the collection of rubbish (all types) from homes and businesses with your authority.
NOTE: If the refuse collection duties are carried out by a third party company hired by the council the information is still HELD by the council, because it is information held on your behalf.
Hastings Borough Council employers Kier Environmental to carry out waste and recycling collections. We have been in contact with their local Operations Manager who has confirmed that in the financial year 16/17, there were no assaults on refuse collectors by members of the public whilst carrying out their duties.
You state that you also wish for this to include business premises but we do not provide a commercial waste service at Hastings Borough Council. These collections are carried out by a multitude of private companies that we have no affiliation with at all.
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