FOI request (FOI216923)
Muslim burial provision
Requested Thu 22 June 2017
Responded Thu 22 June 20171 Do you currently provide specific areas in any of your cemeteries for the burial of Muslims? Yes / No
2 If you do not currently provide specific areas for Muslim burial, have you done so in the past? Yes / No
3 If you do not currently provide specific areas for Muslim burial, do you have any plans to do so? Yes / No
4 If you do not currently provide specific areas for Muslim burial in your own cemeteries, do you have any arrangements in place with any other cemetery to meet the needs of your Muslim residents ? Yes / No
If the answers to questions 1 to 4 are all ‘No’, there is no reason for you to complete the rest of this form. Please simply email me to advise me that this is the case.
5 Do you provide areas specifically allocated for different Muslim groups? Yes / No
6 If so, please specify which groups.
7 Do you permit Muslim burials on Saturdays? Yes / No
8 Do you permit Muslim burials on Sundays? Yes / No
9 Do you permit Muslim burials on Public Holidays? Yes / No
10 How quickly can you accept a request for a Muslim burial? Please specify 'same day', 'next day' etc. and any restrictions, such as the time the booking is made and the availability of resources.
11 For each cemetery where you currently provide and/or have previously provided specific areas for Muslims:
a Name of cemetery
b Number of adult burials to date
c Number of adult burials in 2016
d Number of unused adult graves remaining
e Number of child burials to date
f Number of child burials in 2016
g Number of unused child graves remaining
h Please specify the age bands you use to define ‘adult’ and ‘child’
12 Which type of grave do you provide for the burial of Muslims:
a Earth grave
b Burial chamber (please describe)
c Other (please describe)
13 Are graves for Muslims orientated specifically with regard to the location of Makkah / Mecca? Yes / No
14 Do you permit shroud burial? Yes / No
15 Do you provide, or allow others to provide, any wooden planks for covering a shroud burial? Yes / No
16 Do you permit anyone to enter the grave in order to place the body at the base of the grave? Yes / No
17 Do you permit mourners to backfill the grave after the burial? Yes / No
18 Do typical Lawn section regulations apply to the areas allocated for Muslim burial? Yes / No
19 Do you permit the surface of the grave to be mounded? Yes / No
20 Do you permit the erection of a memorial consisting of a headstone? Yes / No
21 Do you permit the erection of a memorial consisting of a headstone and kerbs? Yes / No
22 Do you provide any specific prayer facilities in the cemetery for Muslims to use? If so, please specify.
23 Do you provide any specific washing facilities in the cemetery for Muslims to use for ablutions? If so, please specify.
24 Please provide details of any type of Muslim burial provision that you offer that is not adequately reflected in the questions above.
25 Please provide the details of the fees that you charge for Muslim adult and child burials.
Q1 - Yes
Q2 - N/A
Q3 - N/A
Q4 - N/A
Q5 - No
Q6 - N/A
Q7 - Yes
Q8 - Yes
Q9 - Yes except for Easter Sunday and Christmas Day.
Q10 - Same day if the booking is made before 10am otherwise it is the next day.
Q11 - a) Name of cemetery - Hastings Cemetery, b) Number of adult burials to date - 41, c) Number of adult burials in 2016 - 1, d) Number of unused adult graves remaining -
54 are currently allocated but there is room for more, e) Number of child burials to date - 21 (inclusive of babies and pregnancies that have ended early), f) Number of child burials in 2016 - 1, g) Number of unused child graves remaining - N/A they are all in the same section for smaller children and babies we normally dived and adult grave to make two smaller plots, h) Please specify the age bands you use to define ‘adult’ and ‘child’ - child 5- under 16 years, Adult over 16 years
Q12 - a) Earth grave
Q13 - The new ones yes but not all were when the section was allocated 30 years ago.
Q14 - Yes
Q15 - Yes the community provides them
Q16 - Yes I have done a running risk assessment agreed with the local community.
Q17 - Yes
Q18 - Yes but they are not strictly applied, we are in discussion about changing the current designation.
Q19 - Yes if required.
Q20 - Yes
Q21 - No but it is another reason to discuss the current designation.
Q22 - No
Q23 - No but we do provide water and hand towels by the graveside for use.
Q24 - N/A
Q25 - Adult... interment £580, exclusive rights for 50 years £ 756 so £1336, Child... interment £270, exclusive rights for 50 years £ F.O.C, though the latter is not specified in the fees and charges currently which will change next year.
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